Feinstein School of Social and Natural Sciences


  • 80%
    Graduate With More Than A Single Major

    RWU的大多数学生毕业时都选修了第二专业或辅修专业, 为他们提供雇主和研究生网赌的十大网站最需要的技能和多样化的经验.

  • 96%
    Placement of 2022 Graduates


  • 35+
    Research Projects

    每年都有大量的学生和教师主导的研究项目在SSNS中进行, with many opportunities even for first-year students.

Students stand beside a research project

Academic Programs

SSNS为社会科学或自然科学领域的本科生和研究生提供学位选择. 课程侧重于培养学生的分析思维能力, research methods, quantitative reasoning, and sociocultural learning.

Explore the Academic Programs
Student demonstrating equipment.

Center For Economic and Environmental Development (CEED)

旨在促进罗德岛州海洋和海运业的环境可持续发展, 该中心是一个研究中心,学生可以在这里获得实践经验,并在社区项目中工作,这些项目将经济发展与环境管理相结合. 

Learn More About CEED
Student looking into beaker.


Encompassing social sciences like sociology, politics, psychology, and natural sciences like math, physics, and environmental science, 我们的院系提供各种课程,培养全面发展的学生,使他们具备在职业生涯或未来学习中取得成功的技能.

Explore the Departments
Professor at whiteboard.

Faculty and Staff

我们经验丰富的学者和从业人员发展个人, meaningful relationships with students. 无论是在课堂内还是课堂外,他们都直接参与到教育学生的各个方面.

Meet the Faculty and Staff
Students in research lab.

Health Professions Advising

你是否有兴趣在卫生专业工作,想要更多的信息来发展你的专业准备学习? 访问健康职业咨询,获取有关如何探索健康职业道路选择的资源.

Explore Health Professions Advising
A headshot of Sarah Wood

Choosing Her Own Path

Sarah Wood, RWU Class of 2019
Political Science

One of the things Sarah Wood, 他是荣誉项目成员,最近还被提名为国家政治科学荣誉协会成员, 她最喜欢RWU的地方是大学提供的灵活性和指导,让她能够创造自己的道路.

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